This Blog is tracking the media appearances of UK Conservatives

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Daniel Hannan on Greek budget European fudge 11Feb 2010

Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan talks about the great fudge the EUSSR has made to keep Greece from defaulting on it's debts, and not being kicked out of the Euro.

The problem is, this fudge only papers over cracks, and the speculators will rightly attack the weakened Euro currency to test the resolve of the Germans and French on guaranteeing Greece's government debts.

How happy will the German public be in the knowledge their government will be willing if need be to bail out a failed European country? The public never asked for the political Euro project, they wanted to keep the strong Deutsche Mark, not create a Mickey Mouse currency that the politicians wanted.

Either way, the political project known as the Euro is in serious trouble. Good riddance to the piece of junk currency.

Recorded from The Daily Politics, 11 February 2010.
