This Blog is tracking the media appearances of UK Conservatives

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Edward McMillan Scott and Dan Hannan Politics Show 27 sept 2009

MEP Daniel Hannan argues against "independent" MEP Edward McMillan Scott, and what to do with the Irish referendum problem, especially if the Irish vote for the creation of the EUSSR. The UK politicians renaged on their promises that the British will have a vote on the Lisbon Treaty, it's not a CONstitution because it got renamed a treaty. Politicians voting for the creation of the EUSSR is NOT democracy.

Recorded from BBC's Politics Show, 27 September 2009.

EMS and Dan Hannan Politics Show 27 september 2009
Marc Faber yahoo techticker Peter Schiff Nouriel Roubini Ron Paul swine flu Jim Rogers US Government Obama Bankrupt Global Economic Collapse Treasury Bond Bubble The Gloom Boom and Doom Report 2009 Alex Jones Max Keiser Gerald Celente Economy collapse dollar crises finance mep Daniel Hannan independent Edward McMillan Scott argue ireland irish eu eussr referendum no democracy in europe communism new world order stock market wall street bailout
